
Monday, May 26, 2008


Michael D. Ayers, Editor of Cybersounds - Essays on Virtual Music Culture Interviewed

Editor: Michael D. Ayers
ISBN: 082047861X

Today, Norm Goldman, Editor car insurance for Bookpleasures.com, who has recently reviewed Michael D. Ayers' Cybersounds: Essays on Virtual Music Culture, is honored to have as our guest, Michael D. Ayers.

Good day Michael and thanks for agreeing to participate in our interview.


Michael, when and why did you become interested in the subjects that car free insurance online quote explored in Cybersounds: Essays on Virtual Music Culture?


About 1999/2000- when I really started to see how Napster was affecting many different areas in the social world. But I guess, really, you could point to 1994- I went to my first phish show in Fairfax, Virginia- and had audio tapes of the show 3 weeks later- from a guy in California- all possible due to Newsgroups. I thought that was fascinating, and would tell persons about that at parties as much as I could, even though most didnt seem to care too much J


Why did you feel compelled to publish Cybersounds: Essays on Virtual Music Culture? Why do you think that is an important book at that time? Is there an underlying message in your book?


Its important in the sense that music and music cultures are really finding a mainstream audience / use with the Internet- therefore, I really think that when many different groups are using the Net for their own means, there will be a bevy of opinions on what is happening (in that case, what is happening with Net + music)- I do think its important to get some research and thought out there that presents a few new angles / ideas.


How has the feedback been so far? What are your hopes for that book?


Bookpleasures.com likes it!! Other than that, its been slow. Indie academic presses, which that is on, dont always have the resources to get a lot of mainstream press. But aside from being a good book for college students and academics, I do think it has a lot of crossover appeal- that is, it would lend it self in a friendly manner to those just interested in the subject. I was very conscious during the whole process on making sure that it was user-friendly


Can you tell us how you found representation for your book? Did you pitch it to an agent, or query publishers who would most likely publish that type of book? Were there any rejections?


I initially pitched 4 publishers- it was rejected by 2; 1 I didnt hear anything from, and Peter Lang did want it. I had been in touch with Steve Jones out of the University of Illinois at Chicago- he was a fan of the earlier anthology I had done, and I think put in a good word for me at Peter Lang.


How did you go about choosing your contributors? Did you use any particular criteria?


I hand picked a few that I knew of their work and their creating. Others, I just put out a call for submissions on a few listservs and got responses thats how I got my international contributors.


How have you used the Internet to market your book and will you be using any unique ways to market your book?


I havent used the net at all, really- which I guess is a bit ironic / oxymoronic / moronic. I did announce on the listservs, but havent done too much. But, my new book that Im starting that summer, Im using the web Coffee Makers its going to be a much more general audience book on fandom, in the vein of Chuck Klostermans recent books. Im going to be blogging the creating process / creating of the book throughout the whole process- I cannot remember a book / author doing that at that point. Shameless plug: blog-uber-fan.com/


What new innovations do you predict pertaining to the Internet music revolution?


Its so hard. I cannot make any, at all. Maybe Pandora will Gourmet Gift Basket off- it seems really cool. But I never saw BitTorrent coming, and that is just amazing / brilliant in my opinion. Though I dont use it.


Is there anything else you wish to add that we have not covered.

Michael: I think thats about it! Thanks Norm!!!

Thanks once again and good luck with your book.

Norm Goldman is editor of the book reviewing and author interviewing site www.bookpleasures.comwww.bookpleasures.com and the travel site www.sketchandtravel.comwww.sketchandtravel.com

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In addition, Norm and his artist wife Lily Colorado Lemon Laws words with art focusing on romantic and wedding destinations, inns, and other hospitality properties. You can read Norm's travel articles and view Lily's art work that is always for sale at sketchandtravel.com


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